Fuel oil labelled as apple juice seized at Dublin Port

Revenue officials make juicy discovery on truck bound for Holyhead by ferry

Revenue officials inspected a cargo of 26 industrial bulk containers, only to find “apple juice” was in fact marked gas oil which is suspected to have been laundered. Photograph: Revenue

Revenue officials on Monday night seized 25,000 litres of fuel at Dublin Port which had been labelled as apple juice.

The discovery was made when a truck attempted to board a ferry bound for Holyhead. Officials inspected the truck’s cargo of 26 industrial bulk containers, only to find the “juice” was in fact marked gas oil which is suspected to have been laundered.

The truck in question was seized along with the fuel.

A Northern Irish man in his mid-30s who was driving the vehicle was questioned in relation to the find.


A spokeswoman for Revenue said investigations are under way with a view to securing a prosecution.