Whatever happened to Sláintecare?

Sir, – Prof Sara Burke asks "Whatever happened to Sláintecare?" (Opinion & Analysis, February 3rd).

Many things are happening as we speak. The plans have been criticised for lacking a published budget from 2021 onwards. Doctors in training have stated they would rather emigrate than accept a new public-only contract. Implementation council members have resigned, citing meetings as “a waste of time”.

Meanwhile, in private healthcare, the Beacon Hospital is planning an eight-storey extension. A new private hospital is planned for Limerick. A total of 55 per cent of the population hold private health insurance. All 3,100 current consultants will retain private practice rights even if a new contract is introduced. Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has assured private hospitals they will be doing “much much more” to help tackle waiting lists.

The term Sláintecare is being presented by some as a panacea for all problems in our services. We should admit that there are fundamental problems implementing this illusory plan in a system where the private healthcare system provides so much care. We should instead attempt to find solutions that marry with the reality of the current service. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6.