What people leave behind at Sandycove

Sir, – It was amusing to see the laundry list of items left behind by bathers at Sandycove in Dublin ("28 towels and 64 pairs of socks: what people leave behind at Sandycove", June 26th).

However, it is not just togs and towels they leave behind.

In circumstances where the public toilet facilities are hopelessly inadequate and frequently out of order, a considerable amount of organic and malodorous waste is also deposited there! Apart from the disrespect to the public, this is a terrible nuisance for residents, for local public houses and for tourist facilities such as the Joyce Tower.

It is absolutely disgraceful that the council cannot provide portable public toilets at such a popular bathing space during the summer. It happens year after year! – Yours, etc,



Monkstown, Co Dublin.