What is says in the non-papers

Sir, – I note that a British government spokesman has described its most recent Brexit documents as “confidential technical non-papers which reflect the ideas the UK has been putting forwards”.

With admirable wit, if not cunning, in their selection of the prefix, it appears British politicians have invented the non-papers, perhaps with which to conduct non-negotiations, possibly leading to a non-deal.

This would allow British prime minister Boris Johnson, in apportioning the inevitable blame, to declaim: mais non, the fault lies not with moi! What a time of nonsense we are living through. Non? – Yours, etc,






Sir, – I couldn’t believe the news when I read that the UK government had put forward some “confidential technical non-papers” to the EU. These supposedly reflect the ideas that the UK have been putting forward.

Unbelievable progress, as after weeks of endless waffle we have “non-papers”, or could it be that these papers are actually blank?

Boris Johnson made a big deal in slagging off Theresa May and her efforts regarding a Brexit agreement.

He didn’t back her plan and he likened it to “polishing a turd”.

He would know.

This would be hilarious if it were not so sad for the UK. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.