Water charges and national politics

A chara, – The “polluter pays” principle is often cited in connection with water charges mostly, it appears, by people who don’t understand it. That principle is intended to modify behaviour by encouraging reductions in the quantity and toxicity of waste. How is one supposed to modify and reduce the discharge of sewage? By using the back garden like our forefathers did? – Yours, etc,





Sir, – The Fianna Fáil/Green government 2007 Water Services Act provides for fines of up to €5,000 to be levied on householders who abuse the water supply. This legislation, Fianna Fáil believes, is a mechanism that will satisfy the EU that Ireland is meeting its commitments under the “polluter pays” principle.

However, the Act does not specify any quantity of water usage that would qualify as excessive use or abuse and, I suspect, there hasn’t been a prosecution of a householder under this Act in the decade in which it has been in force.

Without metering and monitoring of domestic water use, this clearly cannot be presented as a credible conservation or “polluter pays” programme.

Once again, Fianna Fáil has embraced populism and, sadly, with its foot firmly on the Government’s neck, is likely to prevail. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.