‘Wake up and smell the methane’

Sir, – Earlier this week , in a speech straight from the Healy-Rae School of Codology, the president of the IFA described the authors of the recent Lancet report on climate change as "keyboard warriors, quacks and lifestyle gurus".

Just to remind your readers, this report was produced by 43 of the world’s finest scientists who have spent several years analysing the empirical evidence.

The inability or unwillingness (or indeed both) of the farming lobby, and of our politicians, to show any vision or give any leadership on the issue of climate change are, frankly, terrifying.

It is becoming increasingly clear that if this country is to come anywhere near to meeting its obligations in relation to greenhouse gas emissions, then action on the individual level may be our only hope, and the evidence suggests that this is already happening.


As more and more people adopt a plant-based diet – not just because of climate change, but for ethical and health reasons too, the farming lobby would do well to well to wake up and smell the methane.

Their futures, as well as the very future of the planet may depend on it! – Yours, etc,



Co Longford.

Sir, – Your front-page news report (January 31st) says it all . "The IFA is committed to decarbonising Ireland but rejects quotas, cuts in livestock numbers and increases in carbon tax."

What planet are they living on? – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.