Vikings of Cork and Waterford

Sir, – Further to "Viking centre discovered in Cork city predates Waterford settlement" (News, January 10th), the discovery of a Viking settlement in Cork is marvellous news for all of us interested in the history of the Vikings in Ireland. In particular, the Viking-age houses and their associated finds which show a remarkable similarity with the houses in Dublin and Waterford, testifying to the shared origins of Ireland's major port cities. I hope that what I understand to be a remarkable assemblage of finds will be exhibited to the public for the enjoyment of the people of Cork and their visitors.

A minor quibble, if I may – the archaeological date of the earliest level of the houses at AD 1070 is still somewhat later than the as yet earliest date found within Waterford’s Viking Triangle. Archaeological excavations in advance of the construction of Ireland’s only purpose-built medieval museum yielded a wood sample which was dated by carbon analysis to between 898 and 920. This date and associated metal finds from the earliest occupation level within the Viking Triangle corroborate the historical accounts in the Irish Annals of the secondary wave of Vikings at Waterford in 914, following the expulsion of the Viking warrior class from Dublin in 902.

We look forward to seeing and hearing more about our Viking cousins in Cork! – Yours, etc,




Waterford Treasures

Museums, Waterford.