VAT on health supplements

Sir, – I note, in utter disbelief, the intention to add 23 per cent VAT to all health-food supplements, vitamins and minerals from March 1st. I thought tax was used as a way to discourage unhealthy behaviours, eg on cigarettes and sugar. But here is a tax on health! How incredibly stupid!

We have a health service that is by all accounts overwhelmed. More and more people, young and old, are getting sick and needing treatment. At the same time there is an extraordinary lack of health promotion or education on how to help prevent and manage illness.

Health supplements play a key role for many people who are proactive about their health and wellness. I use quality supplements (at my own expense) and lead a healthy lifestyle to ensure I stay well as I get older, have no need of any medications paid for by the State and can leave our overstretched health service free for those who really need it.

I ask the Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe to take a serious look at the insanity of applying a tax on those of us who are actually saving the State money by taking care of our health. – Yours, etc,



Navan, Co Meath.

Sir, – From the people who thought that taxing our pension funds was a good idea comes another bright idea, taxing our health. The imposition of 23 per cent VAT on supplements such as probiotics from March 1st will not be welcomed by those of us who find such products beneficial in reducing pain and discomfort.

I pity Fine Gael candidates because their Ministers seem to be trying everything in their power to prevent their election. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.