Vaccines and priorities

Sir, – I continue to read with utter disbelief how others, besides frontline workers and residents of care homes, have received the Covid-19 vaccine.

Excuses with regard to wasting “spare” vaccine supplies are unacceptable. One has to ask how can there be “spares” of such a valuable resource?

To add insult to injury, as Paul Cullen so rightly points out (News, January 18th), these individuals will now receive their second dose ahead of many other prioritised groups, as otherwise their initial dose will have been truly wasted.

The system has already broken down, it seems. Public confidence needs to be restored quickly. The vaccine rollout must be administered both fairly and quickly. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 5.

Sir, – If, as its spokesman maintains, the Rotunda Hospital was “not approved to administer” surplus vaccine to Rotunda staff who attended at short notice, then it was equally not approved to administer it to the relatives of staff who attended at short notice. – Yours, etc,


Gaoth Dobhair

Co Dhún na nGall.

Sir, – As I write this letter, the latest vaccination figures on the Government’s own website are six days out of date. That doesn’t instil much confidence as to when my time will come. – Yours, etc,



Co Wexford.

Sir, – I, for one, am relieved that precious doses of the Covid vaccine were used rather than dumped.

This is an opportunity to highlight shortcomings in the vaccine rollout and avoid further waste.

Protocols are necessary but so too is flexibility.

Retail staff the length and breath of Ireland have kept the country going, so perhaps a daily leftover doses system could be put in place to acknowledge the contribution they have made to all our lives. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

A chara, – It seems unwise that rational debate was not conducted when deciding the category of society that should receive priority for the Covid-19 vaccine. I believe that the working young should be inoculated against Covid-19 first, as is the case in Indonesia.

Despite being less clinically vulnerable, according to hospitalisation figures, it is imperative that the workforce are protected against the disease. These are the individuals most likely to be exposed to the virus and thus spread the virus, according to statistical models. Providing immunisation to those aged 18 to 65 would resuscitate the economy and provide a necessary financial injection to lessen the inevitable economic crash. – Yours, etc,



New Ross, Co Wexford.

Sir, – I think people who butter their bread right up to the edges should be vaccinated first. They care. – Yours, etc,


Firhouse, Dublin 24.