Vaccination programme

Sir, – Your lead editorial on Saturday makes the case for an age-based list for the vaccination rollout (April 10th). I have no problem with an age-based list. However, the Government said that it would protect vulnerable people first. One million people have received some portion of their vaccine, but my 93-year-old father-in-law still hasn’t received his. He is confined to the house. This group was to be vaccinated by the ambulance service, which was given this task by the HSE. The ambulance service is an excellent service, but for whatever reason, it is not getting this group vaccinated within an acceptable timeframe. He has received no communication about his vaccine, nor any indication of a timeline. Two weeks ago, I was told that he was on a list of 3,000 countrywide. He feels forgotten.

We need to enable GPs and vaccinators alongside the ambulance service to target this group as a priority. Let’s truly honour this group and not leave them behind. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.