Unity = 50 per cent plus one?

Sir, – Fintan O'Toole points out three problems with Gerry Adams's definition of democracy as 50 per cent plus one ("United Ireland will not be based on '50 per cent plus one'", Opinion & Analysis, August 15th).

I would like to add one more. In confusing elections and electioneering with democracy, an obsession shared by the DUP, it excludes all the other indices against which we can benchmark democracy. As evidenced in the North, both Sinn Féin and the DUP still have a lot to learn about mutual respect, civilised debate in recognised forums, the rule of law, transparency and public scrutiny, political accountability, regulation and legislation, a free press, the safeguarding of minority interests, judicial independence, civic responsibility, and the rest. – Yours, etc,




Co Down.

Sir, – If Gerry Adams is happy to accept 50 per cent plus one in any vote to unite his beloved four green fields, by the same token he ought to row in behind the 50 per cent plus two cordless economic bungee jump that is Brexit. Fair is fair; equality and all that. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.