Two-tier healthcare and skipping the queue

Sir, – I wish to congratulate Fintan O'Toole for his excellent article regarding the inequity of access to medical care in the Republic ("Skipping the vaccine queue isn't a breach of the health system, it's the system", Opinion & Analysis, March 30th). We all fear illness, but in the Republic those who can, do purchase medical insurance, driven by this same dread.

I am a GP, from Donegal, who has worked for most of my life, in Northern Ireland in the NHS. Vaccine rollout here has been strictly dictated by health guidelines, and no queue jumping may occur.

Similarly, referral for medical care is based on clinical need, though this has slowed down somewhat, due to the pandemic. I do not have to agonise whether a patient can afford a particular medication or procedure.

Access to proper medical care is an essential for society as a whole, and it ennobles us all. – Yours, etc,




Co Derry.