Trade deal with Canada

Sir, – Tánaiste Leo Varadkar's opinion piece on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (Ceta) is more interesting for what it omits than for what it includes ("Ireland needs a trade deal with Canada", April 28th).

Yes, trade is important to Ireland. Yes, the trade elements of Ceta have been in place since 2017.

However, Mr Varadkar makes no mention of the investment court system portion of Ceta. A system that will allow Canadian corporations bypass the significant rights they have under Irish domestic law and to sue Ireland though a special tribunal.

It is a curious omission given that the investment court system is the only reason Ceta comes before the Dáil. If this were just a trade deal, it would have been managed entirely by the European Union. – Is mise,



(Green Party),

Leinster House,

Dublin 2.