Time for a good soak

Sir. – I think the idea of an all-weather lido in the Docklands of Dublin would be a great development (Sorcha Pollak, "A 'big, bold' idea for Dublin city: A heated outdoor swimming pool in George's Dock", News Review, April 17th).

Apart from the tourist potential, it would provide a safe and hygienic facility for the besieged people of the area as the march of skyscraper office and apartment buildings blots out their light.

As a young man in 1960s Dublin, living in a crowded Corporation house with eight siblings and two parents, with hot water rationed from a wonky gas boiler, I resorted to the public baths in Tara Street.

Every Saturday for one shilling, I could luxuriate in a large iron bathtub, with as much steaming hot water as I wanted, for as long as I liked, emerging pink and well-scrubbed and ready for what that night’s dancing might bring.


What a great facility that was for me and many others in those long-gone days. – Yours, etc,


