Ticking the religion box

Sir, – While not regularly attending church services, W J Murphy has “no hesitation ticking the religion box on the census form” (April 13th) and seems irritated by my own assertion that “Ours isn’t a Christian country” (April 11th). This proves that the census question is being regarded as a mere cultural one and urgently needs re-phrasing.

When the Christian Church was founded in the First Century AD, her members were exhorted to love sincerely (1 Pet 1:22) and they trained themselves to distinguish good from evil (Heb 5:14). Believers confessed their sins to the only priest authorised to forgive them – The Lord Jesus Christ – whose literal resurrection they believed to be an historical fact (Rom 10:9). Sunday was a special occasion as, in the sequel to his gospel, Luke records that Christians “assembled on the first day of the week to break bread” (Acts 20:7). Unbelievers were warned they’d one day be reduced to ashes (2 Pet 2:6). By such metrics, Ireland is anything but Christian.

Question 12 on the census form is offensive. The Christian faith is no mere badge of identity. It’s a personal response to God’s love as manifested on the first Good Friday and Easter Sunday. And it’s an entire way of life. Asking someone if they’re culturally Christian is like asking if they’re culturally vegetarian. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 18.