The plastic age

Sir, – I see that 20 new water fountains will be installed across London in a pilot scheme to reduce the number of single-use plastic water bottles which are so damaging to the environment. A good idea. Could we ask Dublin City Council to consider a similar project? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 3.

Sir, – One of the most contentious plastic recycling issues is the lack of recycling of expanded polystyrene (EPS). I have bought several pieces of furniture and a large TV in recent months, all of which came with huge EPS packing components. I took them to the local authority recycling centre, which refused to accept them and told me to put them in the black bin. They required two bin loads to get rid of them. But where did they go? Land-fill or incineration? Both are unacceptable. The plastic bag scheme was successful, so let’s get rid of EPS in a similar way. – Yours, etc,



Skerries, Co Dublin.

Sir, – A very simple way to reduce single-use plastic bottles would be for Dublin Airport to allow or facilitate the refilling of empty bottles once you’ve passed through security. Might hit the lucrative sale of bottled water in duty free, mind you. – Yours, etc,



Co Kilkenny.