The only way to tackle antisemitism

Sir, – Swift governmental and societal condemnation is the only effective way of combating the casual and increasingly common examples of anti-Semitism that are manifesting throughout the globe.

This was evident when it was reported: "François Fillon's party has apologised for tweeting a caricature of Emmanuel Macron, his main rival in the race to be France's next president, that Mr Fillon himself admitted was anti-Semitic" (World News, March 13th).

The resurgence of the ancient vice of Jew-hatred is oftentimes explained as a protest about Israel’s policy in the Middle East, however, this is simply a mask designed to excuse a millenniums old xenophobia.

Jews are no more legitimate targets for hatred simply because of a perceived link to Israel as Muslims are for a perceived allegiance to radical Islam.


To use an individual faith to legitimise mockery, assault and racism is to follow the path of regimes that believe they are morally superior to anyone of difference, whether it is through skin colour or religious adherence. We only have to look across the Atlantic to see how this type of xenophobia is ripping society apart. – Yours, etc,


Kinsale, Co Cork.