The Gate Theatre

Sir, – It was surprising to read that "The Gate turned 90 this year – and nobody noticed" (Culture, June 9th).

On February 13th, the Irish Society for Archives marked the 90th anniversary of the Gate with a well-attended seminar in Dublin City Library & Archive, Pearse Street, chaired by The Irish Times's Hugh Linehan, while in the same location Dublin City Archive is currently holding an exhibition to celebrate the contribution of Micheál Mac Liammóir and Hilton Edwards to 90 years of the Gate Theatre. In the autumn, the Irish Society of Archives plans to publish the papers delivered at the February seminar in its journal Irish Archives, as a further contribution to the 90th anniversary.

We wish the Gate Theatre continued success and hope to mark its 100th anniversary in due course. – Yours, etc,




Irish Society for Archives,

Dublin 16.