The future of Lyric FM

Sir, – Any suggestion to close Lyric FM is deeply worrying. Undoubtedly RTÉ has difficult budgetary decisions to make, but surely the continuation of Lyric is a priority beyond question (not to mention that it only took up 1.96 per cent of RTÉ’s budget last year).

Lyric excels on so many levels: diverse programming and an equally diverse audience (up to 273,000 per week) demonstrate this; whereas classical music is perceived as elitist, Lyric FM democratises it.

What about the competition? Put simply, there is none. It’s the only radio station that regularly programmes classical music, not to mention jazz and various other other genres.

Aside from the quality of output, the diverse and substantial listenership and the various awards Lyric has won, there is a more crucial element at stake here: RTÉ has a key role to play in fostering innovation, creativity, championing a multitude of music forms as well as platforming and promoting Irish talent.


Lyric FM is a refreshing respite from the increasing homogenisation of radio. It’s loved here and it’s held in high regard internationally. – Yours, etc,



Westport Festival

of Chamber Music,

Louisburgh, Co Mayo.