The future of Dublin city centre

Sir, – I refer to David McWillliams's excellent article on Saturday 17th regarding our city centre infrastructure ("The rules of the property game have changed", Opinion & Analysis, October 17th).

It was always a point of bewilderment that we never developed the city centre, in particular the north inner city, to its full potential.

Dublin’s north inner city is in places abysmal, which leaves one with a sense of despondency, as it has some remarkable architecture in addition to a rich history.

A city centre should be a vibrant place where everyone feels welcome. It should be a place where young and old want to to shop, stroll around and socialise, and not avoid.


Our city centre is well served by public transport, is occupied by a number of universities, in addition to having great theatres, pubs and other entertainment venues. Not to mention our museums and galleries.

I agree that our urban heritage is a genuinely fragile legacy that we must protect and nourish.

It is time to ask what it is that we want for our city, and those that work, study, visit and live in it.

We need to use our spaces wisely, and plan well and sustainably for the future.

We still have an opportunity to do the right thing.– Yours, etc,



Dublin 8.