The Eighth Amendment

Sir, – The poll conducted by your newspaper makes for some interesting but unsurprising reading.

Above all, it highlights the ineffectiveness of the current campaign advocating for a full repeal of the Eighth Amendment. The campaign has been wholly inadequate at advancing its position in a way that would encourage undecided voters to support it, if and when a referendum is held.

In recent months, the repeal campaign’s tone has become increasingly aggressive, with little effort made to engage in proper discussion with the opposing side or with, arguably, the most important issue: what will replace the Eighth Amendment if repealed.

Next week’s “Strike 4 Repeal” is yet another example of the campaign being out of touch with the average citizen. In all likelihood, it will only be supported by those already fervently in favour of repeal and will serve to alienate potential supporters.


Ironically, the hashtag associated with “Strike 4 Repeal” is “We Won’t Wait”. Given these polling figures, I suspect most in favour of repealing the Eighth Amendment will agree that more time is needed to win the argument before a vote is put to the people. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.