Storm in a coffee cup

Sir, – Kevin Cullen rightly decries the escalating cost of the 99 ice-cream cone and proposes it as a valuable economic indicator (Letters, July 9th).

May I suggest a less seasonal but universal indicator might be the cost of the ubiquitous cappuccino? Now it is easy while abroad and viewing the world (or even the piazza) through the rose-tinted Armani sunglasses to make invidious comparisons between here and the ould sod. Nevertheless one wonders how it is possible to have a cappuccino here in Italy for €1.40, while at home the modal cost seems to be €3.40 (one well-known restaurant even charges €3.80 plus 10 per cent service charge, bringing the total cost to a whopping €4.18).

I have been unable to find a “novantanove” cone here for comparison purposes but will in the interests of serious, rigorous and essential economic research continue to sample the gelato or perhaps even the affogato – thus killing two birds with one stone. – Yours, etc,




Santa Lucia,
