Storm Barra

Sir, – As Storm Barra hits the country it was great to see such a co-ordinated effort and response from Government departments, local authorities, the OPW and Met Éireann. I might also add that it makes for an intermission from Covid and its Greek alphabet of variants.

– Yours, etc,


Bandon, Co Cork.


Sir, – Sometimes the difference between a difficult and a terrifying situation can be knowing how bad it will get and how long it should last. Thanks to Met Éireann for whatever combination of science, wizardry and experience they used to make such accurate forecasts about Storm Barra.

– Yours, etc,



Co Cork.

Sir, – I’m a lecturer in TUD and our college was closed yesterday, on the recommendation of the Department of Higher Education based on advice from Met Éireann on the predicted severity of Storm Barra.

This appears to be a total over-reaction, given the severity – or lack of severity – of the storm we are witnessing unfold; and it appears that the closure of schools and colleges, at least in Dublin, is a total over-reaction.

Such over-reaction is largely based on the relatively recent decision by Met Éireann to name storms, which surely creates a sense of an event of doom, where previously we just accepted storms as part of the weather for Ireland, and got on with it.

While we all understand that climate change means there are more frequent heavy storms coming our way, nevertheless this is not the first time in recent years that the severity of a storm has been overstated; and it is surely incumbent on all powers-that-be in expert State bodies and Government alike to do better, and develop a more nuanced approach to such events, and not to just shut all schools and all colleges down in orange and red weather warning locations. The inconvenience of closing a third-level college for even one day near the end of semester is significant; and in this instance, should not have happened. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.