State and ‘narrative of failure’

Sir, – An alarmist and to my mind strange article from Stephen Collins (Opinion, December 3rd). He is very critical of "many people" who allegedly believe in a false narrative which depicts Ireland as little better than a failed state. He takes this analysis even further when he suggests that the political stability we have enjoyed since the foundation of the State is now under serious strain and that the next general election may produce a government made up of "extremist political forces promising to tear up the policies that have brought us the quality of life most of us enjoy today".

He needs to identify the forces he refers to and the policies they are threatening to tear up.

I disagree strongly with him. There may well be people in the country with extreme views but I would suggest that Dáil Éireann itself is notable for the scarcity of members who might be categorised as extremist, whether right or left. This moderation is surely reflective of a moderate electorate.

– Yours, etc,



Rathmines, Dublin 6.