St Anne’s Park concerts

Sir, – If St Anne’s Park in Dublin is to host rock concerts again, a sharper focus needs to be put on timing and the impact on the park’s wildlife.

Staging concerts over three consecutive nights last weekend was a serious misstep in environmental terms, a retrograde move which gave roosting and nesting small birds (it’s still nesting season) little or no chance to recover from the noise, light pollution, crowds and high-decibel fireworks.

The events simply took place too early in the season – and the schedule of three consecutive nights was too unrelenting (probably for a number of local residents, too).

I’m a rock music fan myself, but bands and organisers (and fans) have got to wise up and start thinking about the impact of outdoor gigs on the environment and wildlife.


Otherwise, the much-vaunted concerns of those involved (of all ages) who also see themselves as being part of the “green generation” will ring pretty hollow. – Yours, etc,


Clontarf, Dublin 3.