Snow days

Sir, – The Department of Education's plan for "No more snow days" (News, June 1st) illustrates a lack of imagination that serves students ill. Some of the happiest days of an Irish childhood are those rare but glorious days of snow.

Well, no matter. They can insist teachers offer remote classes on such days as much as they want. Thankfully, there isn’t the remotest chance of our students attending them. They’ll be feeding their imaginations instead. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – Snow days were a rare and joyous treat we all enjoyed as children. It is ridiculous that the department is planning to mandate remote learning on these rare occasions when children should be out making the most of nature as, no doubt, almost every reader of this newspaper did when snows rendered schools inaccessible.

Childhood is about more than school. This action does nothing more than move to deny today’s children the very pleasures we all had growing up. Did we not just have months of discussion about how Zoom classes weren’t as good for children? Why replace rare, impromptu and ultimately short interruptions with something subpar? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 20.