Smoking in outdoor areas

Sir, – I am a pensioner who likes to sit outside my local coffee shop with my coffee, my dog and a puff of the pipe, where I can socialise with friends, neighbours and strangers.

Now the former minister for health James Reilly continues his vendetta against the smoker in the Seanad and wants me to forgo that little pleasure in order that people don't have to "suffer" the occasional whiff of my pipe smoke. He talks about the "unintended consequences" of the indoor ban while completely ignoring the consequence of further isolating people from their community ("Smoking ban to be extended to outdoor areas where food served", News, April 24th).

I might add that I enjoy my pipe as I find it relaxing, have never suffered any “smoking-related diseases” over the last 50 or so years of smoking and pay exorbitant taxes on my little pleasure.

So much for a tolerant society? – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.