Small classrooms – squaring the circle

Sir, – I read with interest that Minister for Education Norma Foley says that the oversupply of primary teachers in the years ahead could be used to "reimagine" how teaching takes place at primary level (News, June 4th).

All I can say is good luck with that idea!

“Rebuild” would be a more appropriate word to use.

Many classrooms are not fit for purpose in this day and age. Schools built in the earlier half of the 20th century have classrooms that are most definitely a lot smaller than the modern classrooms being built today.


If you are lucky enough to possess one of these very spacious rooms where you could actually “swing a cat”, the possibilities are endless.

But, if like me, you have 27 children of 11 and 12 years crammed into a small space with 12 tables, 27 chairs, book boxes, the teacher’s chair and desk, the chart press, the sink press and shelves and equipment, etc, it’s like trying to square a circle!

Yes, there are 12 tables for 27 children! Nine children share three tables. I wonder if there’s any other country in the EU where such overcrowding takes place and where a child doesn’t even have half a table to work on. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.