Silent support in a pandemic

Sir, – It is the job of Opposition and media to hold the Government to account, not bring down the Government at any cost.

During a pandemic, the stakes of the latter option are just too high to contemplate. To put this in context, all parties have an obligation to their voters to lead and protect.

Every time the Government’s approach to pandemic management is undermined, someone out there is given the excuse they were looking for not to heed the restrictions, and thus families, communities, constituents, the entire country even, is put at increased risk of contracting this terrible disease.

So the truly patriotic thing to do is keep your mouth firmly shut when you feel a criticism coming on and don’t open it again until you’ve figured out a workable, realistic and supportive solution.


The same goes for publishers, broadcasters and backbenchers.

To clarify, I hold no allegiance to any party or media outlet. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.