RTÉ – negotiating with the stars

A chara, – For many years now there has been ongoing discussion regarding the salaries paid to RTÉ presenters. If I recall correctly, one of the arguments presented by RTÉ management was the need to keep their high earners on board, to protect the advertising revenues generated by their shows. This argument suggests that there is a queue of suitors in the form of independent radio stations ready to snap up RTÉ talent at the first opportunity.

We now see a situation where, arguably, one of RTÉ’s finest current affairs presenters of the last decade is out of contract and open to offers. It will be interesting see how RTÉ manages this situation and even more interesting to see how the independent stations react.

If RTÉ does not seize the day and re-engage, it will bring into question the validity of their stated argument. If one or indeed all of the independent stations decide not to pursue the services of this established and available broadcaster, it will bring into question the business acumen and understanding of RTÉ. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.