Róisín Ingle’s unvaccinated visitor

Sir, – Regarding Róisín Ingle's unvaccinated relation (Column, October 27th) I have more bad news. It appears he is regarding Morocco as an option for his Christmas vacation.

As of last Wednesday, Morocco has cancelled all flights to and from Germany, UK and the Netherlands. In addition, the vaccine pass is now mandated with masks for all public spaces, shops, banks, gyms, public baths, public transport and markets. Return to schools and colleges was postponed until October 1st so as to vaccinate as many 12-15 year-olds as possible. Morocco has done a remarkable job in its policies regarding Covid. On August 9th the infection average for seven days was 9,629. The seven-day average as reported yesterday was 289. The economic cost is crippling; unemployment is at 12. 5 per cent, the highest in 20 years. Tourism has lost two years and the Christmas season already appears bleak.

It will be impossible to eliminate Covid but Morocco has shown that personal discipline and belief in the science is the only solution. As I write, Ryanair (among others) is flying into Marrakech and Agadir from Europe, including Ireland. However without the vaccine pass you are confined to your hotel balcony.

– Yours, etc,



Agadir, Morocco.