Reviving O’Connell Street

Sir, – I read with interest Kathy Sheridan's lament over O'Connell Street ("We need to get agitated about O'Connell Street", Opinion & Analysis, May 8th).

O’Connell Street’s current sorry state does need the active involvement of the public to help address those problems and ensure any proposed fixes are durable and befitting the main street of our wonderful city.

It is with this same intent that, just one year ago, a few concerned locals and members of the public formed the “O’Connell Street Revival Society”. The aims of the society are simple, as contained in our charter: “The complete social, cultural and economic revival of O’Connell Street”.

I trust Kathy Sheridan and interested members of the public can assist with such a revival by getting involved. It would be very much welcomed. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 7.