Return of indoor dining

Sir, – If wages in the hospitality and restaurant sector are so low that they are trumped by a Government support which was designed with a minimum standard of living in mind (the pandemic unemployment payment), then I can think of one measure employers themselves could adopt to remedy their labour shortage.

After all, the law of supply and demand cuts both ways.

- Yours, etc,



South Circular Road,

Dublin 8.

Sir, – This evening I met my brother in a large four-star hotel near Dublin city centre for a drink.

I entered the hotel, no one asked me for anything, there was nobody at the entrance. I went to a table with my brother, we were served for a couple of hours and no one asked for our details or to see our Covid certificates. It was a busy lobby, approximately 75 per cent full. I think if this is the level of compliance then I’ll avoid indoor dining for the foreseeable future.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 8.