Rethinking education

Sir, – It is deeply disappointing to read the comments of a former minister for education as teachers and schools ensure accredited grades are submitted and final preparations are made for the Leaving Certificate State examinations to take place safely. It is Richard Bruton's view that "Senior cycle is no longer fit for purpose" ("Learning Curve: 12 big ideas for the future of education", Education, June 1st).

There are many valid criticisms to be made of the Leaving Certificate, especially regarding exam structure, which your publication has long given space to. However, the notion that senior cycle in its entirety is no longer fit for purpose is ludicrous and must be rejected. There are a suite of newly designed National Council for Curriculum and Assessment-approved subjects at senior cycle such as “politics and society” and “computer science” – to name two that are surely timely and relevant. Furthermore, senior cycle programmes such as the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme and the Leaving Cert Applied afford all students options and opportunities to progress and succeed alongside the traditional Leaving Certificate. – Yours, etc,


School Chaplain,


