Ready for school?

Sir, – Sheila Wayman, in her excellent article, states children should not be rushed into the classroom ("What is the right age to start your child in primary school?", Health + Family, February 21st).

However, it must be noted that the introduction of a second free preschool year in Ireland is fraught with problems and difficulties, including low levels of funding.

While it is noted in the article that formal schooling in the Nordic countries of Finland and Sweden does not start until the age of seven, it is important to understand that these children engage in a state-funded, play-based education system prior to this age that is staffed by highly qualified early-years professionals.

In contrast, the Irish free preschool system requires a much lower level of staff training, resulting in poor pay and conditions of service. This in turn may lead to high staff turnover and questionable levels of quality.


If we are really serious about high-quality “free preschool” services, we must make an investment which reflects the importance of early childhood education for our youngest and often most vulnerable citizens. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6W.