Perspectives on baptism

Sir, – I remember a time when the priority of baptism as soon as possible after birth was to avoid Limbo: this was where babies who died before being baptised ended up. But, even for the Catholic Church, this became a fairy tale too far; ever so quietly, Limbo was abolished. Not a word of sympathy for the mental agony inflicted on generations of parents whose children had died before they could be baptised.

Nowadays, of course, the priority of baptism is “the real world”, make no mistake. That baptism cert is the child’s passport to a place in primary education.

This may change in 20 years’ time but right now, parents have to be pragmatic when trying to plan their children’s future. Otherwise, Limbo may be a reality after all. – Yours, etc,

Vincent Mac CARTHY,


Athboy, Co Meath.