Online gambling and legislation

Sir,– I refer to Mark Boobbyer's letter " Social costs of gambling" (Letters, August 25th). While I agree with the writer's description of gambling as " addictive and socially destructive and reaching epidemic proportions", I do not accept his contention that it is ignored here. In this regard, he draws unfavourable comparisons with the United Kingdom.

In fact, over the last year, I and a number of colleagues have been raising on the floor of the Seanad the pernicious effects of gambling, the need for a Gambling Control Bill and a well-resourced regulator. I consistently drew attention to the exponential growth of online gambling during Covid. As a result of this, Seanad Leader Regina Doherty has facilitated special debates on the subject. We have received assurances that the Gambling Control Bill promised in the programme for government and a regulator will shortly be in place. Currently the Government is drafting legislation to come before the Oireachtas on our return. It is long overdue and will not be allowed fall between the cracks. It will address advertising, false incentives, spending levels, transparency and support for addicts. – Yours, etc,


Fine Gael,


Leas Cathaoirleach,

Seanad Éireann,

Dublin 2.