One of the buoys

Sir, – When sea swimming swept the nation during the first wave of Covid-19 last year, the new arrivals became synonymous with the ubiquitous Dryrobe.

Since then, things have moved on at the seaside.

Most of the talk now among swimmers – complete with caps, wetsuits, goggles and even waterproof Fitbits – around Sandycove and the Forty Foot is how long it takes them to negotiate the various markers, depending on the day’s tide and prevailing current.

Given the rising level of enthusiasm for getting around buoys one, two and three in jig-time, how long might it be before this section of sea is cordoned off into lanes or some form of marine traffic lights are introduced to avoid collisions with other swimmers who risk venturing out a little into the depths and whose only challenge is to enjoy a relaxing dip in the brine? – Yours, etc,





Co Dublin.