North-South co-operation and the backstop

Sir, – Why can’t Leo Varadkar and Simon Coveney pay more attention to the expert views expressed so eloquently by Andy Pollak on the question of North-South co-operation (Letters, July 3rd)?

Every time the divisive subject of the backstop is raised by either the UK government or the DUP in Northern Ireland both men dismiss, out of hand, any possibility of negotiation on a way forward for an agreed Brexit, citing as always, the dire consequences for the integrity of the Belfast Agreement.

Although he doesn’t explicitly say so in his letter, Mr Pollak makes it abundantly clear that a Brexit crash-out, however it comes about, will be a disaster for the Irish economy and for the stability and co-operative benefits of the Belfast Agreement. Both men would do well to remember the old saying, “pride comes before the fall”. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 5.