No time for clutter guilt

Sir, – We are constantly urged by persons in the media to declutter our houses, with assurances of the euphoria we will feel when we have done so, all of which made me feel even more guilty that I have not undertaken such a mammoth and emotionally upsetting task.

One expert in this matter was asked recently how long it had taken her to clear the house in which she had been living for 30 years and she admitted that it took her six months.

As I have been in mine for twice as long, presumably it would rob me of a precious 12 months of my declining years.

Not on!


Instead I have decided to continue to pursue the pastimes I enjoy, ignore the clutter and hope my family will forgive me in time to come for leaving the clearing out to them.

No more guilt – it’s such a relief! – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.