Moving Derrybrien windfarm

Sir, – Nowadays it is not unusual around the globe to see a significant presence of wind turbines in port and industrial areas. In many of the Antwerp scenes in RTÉ’s recent drama Hidden Assets, numerous turbines could be seen in the background.

Dublin Port is probably one of the few large ports globally where they are absent. Surely it’s time for Dublin Port to catch up.

May I suggest that the now bizarrely defunct Derrybrien windfarm be relocated to ESB lands within the port area particularly at Poolbeg where turbine height could not be an issue. While not an easy job, disconnecting the tubular steel support towers from their foundations for reuse is feasible. Replacing the original turbine generators with the latest more efficient ones is logical.

The Poolbeg chimneys have become icons of Dublin city but they are also icons of older, dirty polluting ways of generating electricity using fossil fuels.


What better way for the ESB to make a public statement on the future of pollution-free power generation than by relocating Derrybrien’s now redundant equipment to Dublin Port?

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.