Mick Wallace and Taiwan

Sir, – As an Irish citizen living in Taiwan, I was dismayed with the recent comments by one of our MEPs , Mick Wallace, that “Taiwan is part of China”.

On what basis does he make this assertion? The facts are that the government and constitution of the People’s Republic of China was established in 1947. The government and constitution of the Republic of China which is the system in Taiwan was established by Sun Yat Sen in 1912.

Since 1987, Taiwan and its 23 million people has pursued a multi-party democratic political system with free, fair and open elections.

Taiwan was never a part of the People’s Republic of China and the people of Taiwan have chosen the path of democracy.


The Taiwanese people cherish their democracy and freedoms just as much as people in other free and democratic countries. The parish I serve in is used as a polling station for elections and referendums and it’s heartening to see the vibrancy and enthusiasm the people of Taiwan have for their democracy. The cornerstone of any democracy is that it is the people who decide their own future and the people of Taiwan have chosen the path of freedom and democracy.

Given that Ireland is also an island nation that had to strive and struggle to gain its own independence and freedoms, to hear an Irish MEP deny the people of Taiwan their rights to self-determination and freedom is very disappointing.

Wallace’s comments are ill-informed and ignore the reality that the people of Taiwan have built a strong and robust democratic country and that Taiwan’s future and destiny should be decided by its people.

Most Taiwanese will disagree with Wallace’s assertion that “ Taiwan is part of China” and he should consult with the people of Taiwan before making such comments.

What right has he, as a public representative from a free and democratic country, to deny the rights of others to self-determination and freedom?

– Yours, etc,


Houli Catholic Church,

Taichung, Taiwan.