Leaving Cert and climate action subject

Sir, – I was dismayed to read of the proposed addition to the Leaving Cert syllabus: "Climate Action and Sustainable Development" (News, April 2nd).

While we are at a key juncture in our efforts to protect and preserve our environment for future generations (of which climate action is one strand), I cannot understand how this subject can teach the general public of the issues that pose a risk to our environment, let alone help our students become analytical thinkers that can contribute to creating positive change. Why do we need any subject that combines activism with general comprehension? After all, there were no such efforts to combine business studies and activism after the 2008 financial crisis, despite the activist encampments outside the Central Bank.

I fear this new subject merely pays lip-service to science, and is more concerned with creating climate action ideologues to vote in a certain manner rather than equipping our youth to understand, debate, and hopefully help solve the climate crisis or mitigate its effects. Creating an actual scientific subject would limit the narrative that could be delivered.

This subject also seems to be an opportunity lost. For years now various authorities have been trying to address the Stem gender gap. If the youth of this nation are so passionate about climate action then surely the uptake of a new science subject, perhaps titled “Environmental Science”, would appeal to the nation’s youth, thus helping to address the major issues in today’s society. – Yours, etc,




Co Clare.