Landlords have rights – and duties

Sir, – Further to the article "'Tesco-isation' of home rental sector driving landlords out" (May 12th), the first landlord quoted "feared hate mail" if he gave his full name. This isn't hate mail, but is a response from a small landlord.

There are companies that landlords can hire to manage their properties. They vet tenants and are on call 24/7 for any issues they might have. And that latter part is very important. As a landlord, I want to know my tenant can get plumbing fixed even if I’m on holiday, and if I’m on holiday I don’t want to be calling plumbers. The management company I pay a small fee for makes all that happen.

If you’re a landlord you are responsible to provide a service. You don’t just collect money and sit around counting it, you actually have to do things.

Tenants are not cash machines; they are customers who pay for, expect and are entitled to a service. – Yours, etc,




Co Galway.