Lambert Puppet Theatre

Sir, – How disappointing it was to read that the Lambert Puppet Theatre is to close (News, September 6th). For 15 years we took our four children there on a regular basis and much laughter was had by all of us.

To the Lambert family, thank you. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 22 .

Sir, – The sad news that the Lambert Puppet Theatre is to close evoked memories for me of its genesis in the 1950s when a young ventriloquist, Eugene Lambert, was performing in Dublin theatres.

In particular, Eugene was one of many performers who began their careers on the Guinness Concert, which ran for the month of January in the Rupert Guinness Hall for the benefit of Guinness employees and their families. Eugene’s very first puppet, then described as a “dummy”, was named “Finnegan”, a cheeky young boy. At the end of the act, Eugene would lock Finnegan in a suitcase and carry him offstage, with muffled cries of Finnegan calling to be let out. Finnegan became so popular later on that Eugene applied for, and received, a driving licence in the name of Finnegan Lambert. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.