Jeremy Corbyn and a referendum

Sir, – Momentum's Michael Chessum is correct to say that by failing to back a second Brexit referendum, Jeremy Corbyn is "completely at odds with the will of (Labour) members and the mandate of party conference" ("Corbyn stance on Brexit 'completely at odds' with will of party", World News, December 23rd).

However, Mr Corbyn cannot risk alienating the millions of pro-Brexit voters among the UK electorate by prematurely declaring himself in favour of staying in the EU. Theresa May could then call a snap general election, and Labour might easily lose dozens of “Leave” voting constituencies.

Eventually, the Labour leader will bow to the democratic wishes of the membership and change course. “I am not a dictator of the party”, he says. But for the time being, just about, he’s still right to wait for the optimum moment to publicly support a people’s vote. – Yours, etc,



Arbour Hill,

Dublin 7.