In the swim of things

Sir, – What is all this fuss about people wearing dryrobes when going sea swimming? Such nonsense. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. The main purpose is to enjoy the swim. It is wonderful to see more people enjoying this healthy activity. Just keep the distance.

I have been addicted to the joy of swimming in the sea for the last 40-odd years. I love open-water swimming. I am passionate about its life-changing effect on body and soul. No matter what age, a refreshing dip in the sea does absolute wonders for one’s mental health. The ocean really does offer much more than just simple exercise. It offers moments that border on the spiritual. The physical and psychological benefits of a plunge into the cold Irish seas are beyond compare. There’s a definite sense of leaving all your problems behind on shore. But do remember to take care; the sea is the boss. – Yours, etc,




Co Donegal.

Sir, – I am waiting for Aldi or Lidl to sell its version of the dryrobe which will surely bring to an end the faux outrage about this fashionable swimming garment. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.