Housing crisis and homelessness

Sir, – News that the Government is “considering” (they do know that we are in the midst of a dire emergency, don’t they?) a new initiative to tackle the homelessness scandal is merely the beginning of a process that will end with the parties in power doing what they do best – creating another quango to take responsibility for the failures of their own ineptitude. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – It would appear that the Government is embarking on a merry-go-round in an attempt to solve the housing crisis by bypassing local authorities, which were always responsible for providing social housing until funding dried up in recent years, and creating an “Irish Water-style body” to solve the crisis.

When are we ever going to learn from previous disasters?

It would appear the housing crisis is destined to continue for the foreseeable future. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 12.

Sir, – I met a friend in Dublin city centre yesterday evening. I got off my bus in Nassau Street at 5.30pm and walked to Stephen’s Green.

In that short walking trip, I came across six people sitting in doorways, surrounded by their sleeping bags and backpacks. Later in the evening, my friend and I walked from Stephen’s Green to Merrion Square and encountered a further five people in the same sorry situation. Incidentally, all but one were men.

Nevertheless, we’re told, our economy has recovered. I beg to differ. If this level of homelessness is a measure of a recovered economy, God help us all. This is a failed state. – Yours, etc,



Co Kildare.