Housing and corporate location decisions

Sir, – Karlin Lillington is correct in highlighting that Ireland's attractiveness to inward investment is today based on far more than its tax regime ("Ireland will not fall over if the crutch of low corporate tax is kicked away", Analysis, Business, April 8th).

Corporate location decisions, particularly for knowledge-intensive firms, are increasingly based as much around access to talent as they are around any other consideration.

That emphasises the importance of not only nurturing talent at home, but also ensuring that Ireland retains that talent, as well as continuing to attract talent from abroad.

In respect of nurturing talent locally, there is the urgent imperative of funding, in the words of Karlin Lillington, “our suffering, financially stripped university system” properly.


That the system should have been chronically underfunded over the past decade and more is truly astonishing given the rich dividends Ireland has reaped from its enlightened policy in previous generations of investing in education.

Such investment is now critical if Ireland’s development into the future is to be assured.

Even if Ireland moves swiftly to ensure the necessary nurturing of talent, there remains the challenge of retaining it and continuing to attract talent from overseas.

Nowhere is that challenge greater than in relation to housing. Addressing the housing crisis in Ireland is not only a matter of social justice but will increasingly impede the country’s development if left unaddressed.

The opportunities for Ireland’s future development are great.

However, their attainment is dependent on making the right decisions today. – Yours, etc,



Trinity Business School,

Trinity College Dublin,

Dublin 2.