Harding and Ingle to the rescue

Sir,– I consider myself an optimist and a positive person, and I like looking forward to things. Over recent times, the lack of things to which I can look forward has been challenging. A rugby or soccer match, a good takeaway coffee, a new podcast – all very welcome.

But what I have found myself looking forward to every week for a long while now are the Wednesday articles by Róisín Ingle and Michael Harding (or Róisín and Michael, as they are now known in our house).

The articles are always considered, thought provoking and interesting and, while not always optimistic or positive, they are always superbly written.

I’m already looking forward to next Wednesday. Thank you to both writers.




Dublin 14.

Sir, – Róisín Ingle's brilliantly entertaining piece "The gin is now part of my daily routine" (Life, January 27th) is a cracking good read.

Sure to lift one’s spirits and make you laugh in these long lockdown times. Sláinte! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.

Sir, – Michael Harding's columns bring the reader on a tour of the conscious and subconscious, the profound and the superficial ("Just after Christmas, I began talking to the birds in the garden", Life, January 27th).

The comedic element is present too.

I nearly broke my heart laughing at the incongruous nature of his St Francis of Assisi pose and the utterance of “f**k you” to the startled selection of birds! – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.